Insider Information, A5, set of 10
Keep track of luxury insider news with these note pages.
You’re on my website so you’re in the know. As a luxury insider you’re privy to insider information. See something you must have in the latest runway show? Hear about an upcoming release date or a dreaded price increase? Is your favorite luxury YouTuber about to drop a new product? Insider information pages are where you can keep all this news in one place.
Includes columns for:
What I know
Keep track of luxury insider news with these note pages.
You’re on my website so you’re in the know. As a luxury insider you’re privy to insider information. See something you must have in the latest runway show? Hear about an upcoming release date or a dreaded price increase? Is your favorite luxury YouTuber about to drop a new product? Insider information pages are where you can keep all this news in one place.
Includes columns for:
What I know
Keep track of luxury insider news with these note pages.
You’re on my website so you’re in the know. As a luxury insider you’re privy to insider information. See something you must have in the latest runway show? Hear about an upcoming release date or a dreaded price increase? Is your favorite luxury YouTuber about to drop a new product? Insider information pages are where you can keep all this news in one place.
Includes columns for:
What I know
A5 size punched for A5 6-ring planner such as Louis Vuitton Agenda GM.
Most designs are sold in packs of 10 pages. For example, to order 50 pages, select a quantity of 5.
Planner binder not included.
Paper weight: 100 gsm pages, 110lb covers and dividers
Due to the nature of these products, we do not accept returns.